Elgin County Official Plan Review

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The purpose of an Official Plan Review is to ensure it reflects the changing needs, opportunities and aspirations of the County, and that any changes to community vision/values, directions, policies and actions are reflected in the Official Plan.

To get this done, the County needs to know what’s important to Elgin County residents, employers and visitors, and how they want to see the County grow.

Please subscribe to this page to receive updates and register to participate in a variety of engagement tools listed below.

Please note that all comments and feedback received through the consultation process will become part of the public record.

The purpose of an Official Plan Review is to ensure it reflects the changing needs, opportunities and aspirations of the County, and that any changes to community vision/values, directions, policies and actions are reflected in the Official Plan.

To get this done, the County needs to know what’s important to Elgin County residents, employers and visitors, and how they want to see the County grow.

Please subscribe to this page to receive updates and register to participate in a variety of engagement tools listed below.

Please note that all comments and feedback received through the consultation process will become part of the public record.

  • Notice of Adoption of the Elgin County Official Plan

    Share Notice of Adoption of the Elgin County Official Plan on Facebook Share Notice of Adoption of the Elgin County Official Plan on Twitter Share Notice of Adoption of the Elgin County Official Plan on Linkedin Email Notice of Adoption of the Elgin County Official Plan link

    As required by the Planning Act, on May 28, 2024, the County of Elgin issued the statutory notice of adoption for the new County of Elgin Official Plan. The Official Plan has now been submitted to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval. This notice of adoption includes information on how to receive notice of the Minister’s eventual decision on the adopted Official Plan.

    Please click the following link to access the Notice of Adoption of the Elgin County Official Plan.

  • Elgin County Council Adopts New Official Plan

    Share Elgin County Council Adopts New Official Plan on Facebook Share Elgin County Council Adopts New Official Plan on Twitter Share Elgin County Council Adopts New Official Plan on Linkedin Email Elgin County Council Adopts New Official Plan link

    On May 14, 2024, at the Elgin County Council Meeting, a significant milestone in Elgin County's planning journey was reached with the adoption of the new Official Plan. This achievement marks the end of an extensive review and consultation process that spanned from Winter 2021 to Spring 2024.

    The newly approved Official Plan By-Law No. 24-17 is the result of collaborative efforts involving County staff, stakeholders, and community members. The Official Plan has been meticulously crafted based on expert reports and public consultations, ensuring it addresses the evolving needs and aspirations of Elgin County residents while meeting statutory requirements and aligning with the Provincial Policy Statement.

    The Official Plan has been sent to the Province of Ontario for review and approval. Implementation will commence once this approval is received. With a clear focus on promoting economic vitality, environmental stewardship, and social equity, this comprehensive plan is set to guide future growth and infrastructure initiatives. By fostering a cohesive vision that balances progress with preservation, Elgin County aims to navigate urbanization and demographic shifts while safeguarding its unique identity and quality of life for generations to come.

    If you missed the County Council Meeting, you can watch a recording of the meeting below.

    Elgin County Council Meeting - May 14, 2024

  • Official Plan Public Meeting - March 26, 2024

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    The County of Elgin held an Official Plan Public Meeting on Tuesday, March 26th, 2024 where residents and businesses provided comments or submissions on the proposed Official Plan. If you missed the Public Meeting you can watch a recording of the meeting below.

    Official Plan Public Meeting - March 26, 2024

  • Official Plan Public Meeting - Have Your Say!

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    Elgin County invites residents and businesses to attend the Official Plan Public Meeting. This meeting is intended for anyone who wishes to provide comments or submissions on the proposed Official Plan to the County.

    Date: Tuesday, March 26th, 2024

    Time: 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

    Location: Attend virtually or in person at the Elgin County Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, ON

    Meeting Agenda: To view the meeting agenda please click here.

    Meeting Link: To join the meeting virtually please click here.

    Whether you prefer attending in person or virtually, your presence and feedback are highly encouraged. For those attending virtually, please click the link provided above to access the meeting.

  • Official Plan Public Open House - March 19, 2024

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    The County of Elgin hosted a Public Open House on Tuesday, March 19th, 2024 to discuss the project process and the proposed Official Plan. If you missed the Public Open House you can watch a recording of the meeting below. You can provide comments or ask questions by emailing opreview@elgin.ca or attend the Public Meeting on Tuesday, March 26th, 2024 virtually or in person.

    Official Plan Public Open House - March 19, 2024

  • Official Plan Public Open House - Have Your Say!

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    Elgin County invites residents and businesses to attend the Official Plan Public Open House. This meeting is your opportunity to have a say in decisions that will shape the way our communities will look in the future.

    Date: Tuesday, March 19th, 2024

    Time: 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

    Location: Attend virtually or in person at the Elgin County Administration Building, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, ON

    Meeting Agenda: To view the meeting agenda please click here.

    Meeting Link: To join the meeting virtually please click here.

    Whether you prefer attending in person or virtually, your presence and feedback are highly encouraged. For those attending virtually, please click the link provided above to access the meeting.

    NOTE: If you are having difficulties accessing the virtual link, please email mcphail@republicurbanism.com

  • Official Plan Public Open House & Public Meeting Now Scheduled

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    The County of Elgin invites you to attend a public open house and a public meeting in consideration of the County’s Official Plan Review. These meetings will be held online with an option to attend the online presentation in person.

    The Public Open House is intended or anyone who wishes to learn more about the project process and the proposed Official Plan and will be held on March 19, 2024 at 5:00 pm online at https://engageelgin.ca/officialplanreview, or in person at 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, ON

    The Public Meeting is intended for anyone who wishes to provide comments or submissions on the proposed Official Plan to the County and will be held on March 26, 2024 at 5:00 pm online at https://engageelgin.ca/officialplanreview, or in person at 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, ON

    These meetings are statutory requirements under the Planning Act. A copy of the statutory notice can be accessed by clicking here.

  • Final Draft Elgin County Official Plan Now Available for Public Review and Comment

    Share Final Draft Elgin County Official Plan Now Available for Public Review and Comment on Facebook Share Final Draft Elgin County Official Plan Now Available for Public Review and Comment on Twitter Share Final Draft Elgin County Official Plan Now Available for Public Review and Comment on Linkedin Email Final Draft Elgin County Official Plan Now Available for Public Review and Comment link

    We are pleased to announce that the Final Draft Elgin County Official Plan (OP) was endorsed by County Council in January 2024 and is now available for public review and comment, and can be accessed by clicking here.

    This document contains the finalized text and schedules of the proposed Official Plan and includes revisions made as a result of the public commenting period and circulation of the document to public bodies and planning authorities conducted over the Spring of 2023.

    At this time, we invite members of the public to review the Final Draft Elgin County Official Plan and provide any comments to the project team. Feedback can be submitted via email to opreview@elgin.ca or by mail to:

    County of Elgin Planning Department

    450 Sunset Drive

    St. Thomas, ON N5R 5V1

    Attn: Paul Clarke, Planning Technician

    Please note that comments on the Final Draft Official Plan will be accepted until March 26, 2024. Following the public commenting period, all submissions will be reviewed and considered by the County prior to adoption by County Council, after which the plan will be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval.

  • Discussion Paper #5 Addendum - Population, Housing and Employment Forecasts and Associated Land Needs

    Share Discussion Paper #5 Addendum - Population, Housing and Employment Forecasts and Associated Land Needs on Facebook Share Discussion Paper #5 Addendum - Population, Housing and Employment Forecasts and Associated Land Needs on Twitter Share Discussion Paper #5 Addendum - Population, Housing and Employment Forecasts and Associated Land Needs on Linkedin Email Discussion Paper #5 Addendum - Population, Housing and Employment Forecasts and Associated Land Needs link

    In the Summer of 2022 the County posted Discussion Paper #5 – Population, Housing and Employment Forecasts and Associated Land Needs. This report was a key background document to the Official Plan Review and provides a long-range growth outlook for the County and its lower-tier municipalities and assesses urban land requirements to 2051. As the basis for growth management policies in the County, in the Summer of 2023, County Council undertook an addendum to the report due to a major industrial announcement in the City of St. Thomas to ensure that the County properly assesses the potential impacts of this announcement on the County’s population projections and urban lands needs.

    A copy of the addendum can be accessed by clicking here.

  • Draft Elgin County Official Plan Now Available for Public Review and Comment

    Share Draft Elgin County Official Plan Now Available for Public Review and Comment on Facebook Share Draft Elgin County Official Plan Now Available for Public Review and Comment on Twitter Share Draft Elgin County Official Plan Now Available for Public Review and Comment on Linkedin Email Draft Elgin County Official Plan Now Available for Public Review and Comment link

    We are pleased to announce that the Draft Elgin County Official Plan (OP) was endorsed by Rural Initiatives Planning Advisory Committee in February 2023 and is now available for public review and comment.

    This document is the culmination of over two years of research, analysis, and community consultation, resulting in an updated and refreshed vision for Elgin County’s future. The draft OP is built around ten strategic directions that will help to guide policies and decision-making on important matters such as but not limited to: housing; economic development; the rural area; and natural resource management. For a high-level overview of the proposed changes, please click here.

    At this time, we invite all members of the public to review the Draft Elgin County Official Plan and share any comments, questions, or general feedback with the project team.

    Written feedback can be submitted via email to opreview@elgin.ca or by mail to:

    County of Elgin Planning Department
    450 Sunset Drive
    St. Thomas, ON, N5R 5V1.

    The Draft Elgin County Official Plan can be accessed here.

    Please note that submissions on the draft plan will be accepted until Monday, May 15, 2023.

    Following the public comment period, all feedback on the draft plan will be reviewed and presented to Council for consideration. Any changes to the draft document will then be incorporated before it is presented at a statutory public meeting and subsequently to Council for a decision in Summer 2023.

Page last updated: 28 May 2024, 12:59 PM