Draft Elgin County Official Plan Now Available for Public Review and Comment
We are pleased to announce that the Draft Elgin County Official Plan (OP) was endorsed by Rural Initiatives Planning Advisory Committee in February 2023 and is now available for public review and comment.
This document is the culmination of over two years of research, analysis, and community consultation, resulting in an updated and refreshed vision for Elgin County’s future. The draft OP is built around ten strategic directions that will help to guide policies and decision-making on important matters such as but not limited to: housing; economic development; the rural area; and natural resource management. For a high-level overview of the proposed changes, please click here.
At this time, we invite all members of the public to review the Draft Elgin County Official Plan and share any comments, questions, or general feedback with the project team.
Written feedback can be submitted via email to opreview@elgin.ca or by mail to:
County of Elgin Planning Department
450 Sunset Drive
St. Thomas, ON, N5R 5V1.
The Draft Elgin County Official Plan can be accessed here.
Please note that submissions on the draft plan will be accepted until Monday, May 15, 2023.
Following the public comment period, all feedback on the draft plan will be reviewed and presented to Council for consideration. Any changes to the draft document will then be incorporated before it is presented at a statutory public meeting and subsequently to Council for a decision in Summer 2023.
Consultation has concluded