What is an Official Plan?

    An Official Plan is a legal statutory planning document required by the province that describes the County’s land-use strategy. The County of Elgin’s Official Plan includes the vision, goals and policy directions of the County, as established by the community, and provides guidance for land use planning decisions in the County; including:

    • locations for settlement areas, agricultural lands, and natural heritage;
    • when and in what order parts of our communities will grow; and
    • protection for agricultural, mineral and environmental resources.

    Why do we need to review?

    The purpose of an Official Plan 5-Year Review update is to ensure that the community vision/values, directions, policies and actions in the Plan reflect changes and meet the needs of the community for the future, and to review for consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement.

    As the project continues, this page will be updated to include copies of reports and draft policies, as well as information about upcoming community consultations and meetings.