Elgin County Transportation Master Plan 2021

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The County of Elgin is developing a Transportation Master Plan (TMP). The TMP is the first comprehensive master planning exercise for the County’s transportation network and will be coordinated with the County’s ongoing Official Plan update. This Plan will be designed to look at "the big picture", identifying challenges, alternatives, steps and actions to take the County of Elgin from where we are today, to the multi-modal transportation network and landscape we envision for our future.

The Plan will span 30 years and will focus on the development of an integrated vehicular transportation network, the enhancement of active transportation amenities (cycling), and will explore transit options for Elgin's communities.

Please note: Due to several regional developments and the unknown impacts on the County road network, the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) has currently been put on hold. This Project will be re-instated in 2024. Please stay tuned for more details.

Watch this video to learn more!

Get Involved!

We need your help to shape the future of transportation in Elgin County! Public engagement will be a key part of this process. Your feedback will help to inform a document that is action-oriented and intended for a broad audience.

Subscribe to updates from this page and register to participate in a variety of engagement tools below.

The County of Elgin is developing a Transportation Master Plan (TMP). The TMP is the first comprehensive master planning exercise for the County’s transportation network and will be coordinated with the County’s ongoing Official Plan update. This Plan will be designed to look at "the big picture", identifying challenges, alternatives, steps and actions to take the County of Elgin from where we are today, to the multi-modal transportation network and landscape we envision for our future.

The Plan will span 30 years and will focus on the development of an integrated vehicular transportation network, the enhancement of active transportation amenities (cycling), and will explore transit options for Elgin's communities.

Please note: Due to several regional developments and the unknown impacts on the County road network, the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) has currently been put on hold. This Project will be re-instated in 2024. Please stay tuned for more details.

Watch this video to learn more!

Get Involved!

We need your help to shape the future of transportation in Elgin County! Public engagement will be a key part of this process. Your feedback will help to inform a document that is action-oriented and intended for a broad audience.

Subscribe to updates from this page and register to participate in a variety of engagement tools below.

What would encourage you to use a public passenger transportation service?

If a public passenger transportation service were to be provided in Elgin County that could take you where you need to go (i.e. a bus route or on-demand service), what would be the most important factors to encourage you to use the service?

Share your answers in the comments!

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

We would welcome the opportunity to use this service when driving is no longer an option or not a preferred option. We would use the service if it is reliable, well organized (can get to stores and home to our community with reasonable time frames) and accessible.

Al Gardiner almost 3 years ago

FAST- Frequent, Affordable, Safe, Timely.

face almost 3 years ago

as someone who is looking to stay at home (in Port Bruce) for as long as I can a dedicated form of transportation available on a weekly basis would be invaluable. This would allow those who are no longer able to drive or are uncomfortable driving, to have a day to do grocery shopping, retail shopping, a restaurant outing for lunch, visit friends in town, take advantage of senior community events (cards etc), visit a fitness arena (YM/WCA). thank you for your time

April almost 3 years ago

Would be nice to transport stroller/wagon for children. If going shopping with children this is a necessary tool. Or maybe the ability to transport bike so you can access trails in other cities or just a means to continue transportation after departing bus.

CORourke almost 3 years ago

I know that in a few years my hubby wont be driving anymore; so we would use transit to get to the shopping stores and possible up to London to the train station.
But I think a transit system from Lynhurst to St Thomas would be nice for the kids here that want jobs there without bothering people for rides.

Jane almost 3 years ago

Lots of great side roads to cycle in Elgin, getting to them can be difficult /dangerous though if you live on a busy main artery. I live on Talbot Line west of Talbotville, traffic volume is quite high and moves quickly and given that there is no road allowance for cyclists it makes for dangerous conditions. Perhaps an improved bike lane could be added going west of Talbotville for a couple kms at least to make it safer to link up with side roads, especially considering that the population of Talbotville will increase dramatically in the next few years.

gerald.ooms077 about 3 years ago

Gray Line, start to finish. Side trips to Marina.

Eagle1 about 3 years ago

The hyway bypass should have been extended from St thomas past Aylmer to alleviate the heavy truck traffic going though town, making it dangerous in town and on the back roads that the trucks are taking to avoid Aylmer. It would help the business in Aylmer and help the industrial lands on the north end of Aylmer.

Randy about 3 years ago

Wider roads and road allowances instead of deep ditches
Better areas for transport truck parking
Signs signs signs
Better lights that are visible required when on the road

Former Farm Child about 3 years ago

Please take a drive on Lyons Line between Belmont Rd and Imperial Rd to see how to make the roads safer. The farmer has invested a great deal to build up pull over sections at each of his fields for the trailers and equipment needed to do harvest. I think this should be a requirement, perhaps a joint effort between the municipality and the farmer.

Julie about 3 years ago

Provide day trips to agritourism farming in Elgin County like ..leave at 9M bus goes to multiple stops and it can be a 1 hour loop or 2 hour to pick your own areas.

Also advertise on buses local agritorism and support local in season farms

Victoria Spencer about 3 years ago

Please make sure that roads and bridges can be utilized by large farm equipment. Roundabouts are ok, provided that a large combine can drive AROUND them, and not OVER them. Please also stop using "bump-outs" as I have seen many a large tractor driving over them to give vehicles on the other side of the road enough space to drive by safely. Please give real thought as to the size of today's farm equipment when planning for rural infrastructure upgrades.

Melissa about 3 years ago

In my opinion the planned a bypass around Aylmer should be constructed. There is a lot of heavy trucks going through Aylmer town, moreover the ethanol plant in Aylmer brings a lot of heavy grain trucks to Aylmer.
As the turn Talbot street onto the # 73 in Aylmer town is very tight these trucks take secondary roads to avoid the use of that turn. The result is unsafe secondary roads around Aylmer and a lot of wear of these same roads.
With a bypass around Aylmer a section of Talbot Street in Aylmer could even be made traffic free. That would very likely bring more business to the stores and restaurants
in town.

André Lankhuijzen about 3 years ago

Elgin County needs to get this right. The City of London is dumping there problems into Elgin County and this is causing major problems. I would like to be a part of this planning for the future.

Richard Smibert about 3 years ago

No I haven’t as I am working from home since March 2020. I think it’s a great idea however it would be a challenge to find someone from Vienna to ride share to my area of London during my specific hours . It’s a great idea for plant workers on same shifts though . The internet is a challenge here and there is also lack of communication from bayham municipality so a strong communication plan would be needed . Reducing emissions does not appear to be a priority here

Laura Edwards over 3 years ago

Roundabouts are one of the best means of improving safety at intersections, while also providing traffic calming. If vehicles do collide, it is normally much less severe than those occurring at regular intersections.

Surely a perfect location for a roundabout to be built is at Sunset and East St coming into Port Stanley, effectively reducing traffic speed approaching the fire station, with a side benefit of slowing traffic heading into Port.

The two new roundabouts on Fairview, in St Thomas, are working well, I have driven and cycled through and it seems that users are learning how they work, however I do have a problem with the lighting of the sculptures at night, the placement of the lights means they are directed at approaching traffic, possibly causing a distraction or being mistaken for an on-coming vehicle.

Further south on Fairview, both John Wise Line and Sparta Line seem to be rather dangerous intersections that would benefit from a roundabout.

DPH over 3 years ago

As a driver, I love roundabouts. I don't have to stop if there's no traffic, and they're much safer than other intersections.

I have not yet had the opportunity to use one as a pedestrian, but I believe they would greatly simplify crossing the road. Crossing just one direction of traffic at a time would be a big improvement for me. Pedestrians can cross as soon as they are able to cross one lane, whereas stoplights often make pedestrians wait for no reason.

I also have not yet used one as a cyclist. From my understanding, larger roundabouts are not the greatest for cycling, but the roundabout pictured here (with addition of a separated bicycle path) looks wonderful to use.

In the short term, education will be a bit of a problem, but the more roundabouts get built, the better everyone will understand how to use them.

As for some of the complaints I see here, small roundabouts encourage drivers to slow down. This is done on purpose, for safety. Also, features in the middle of the roundabout encourage the driver to look at the left, and not at what is happening on the other side. This is also a safety feature.

Roger over 3 years ago

Hwy #3 and Hacienda rd needs a round about ASAP! So many accidents and deaths there.

Julie over 3 years ago

Roundabouts are the best way to manage intersections of all kinds. Better traffic flow and safer.

John H over 3 years ago

As a driver Ilike roundabouts. I see hesitancy in some drivers using them. The one at Burwell Rd and Pondsford Pl is too small! The tire marks over the centre ring verify that! Even in a car, it's awkward.

SSmith over 3 years ago
Page last updated: 18 Feb 2025, 06:29 AM