Tree Theme Chosen for Terrace Lodge Resident Home Areas
The County of Elgin is pleased to announce that upon completion of the redevelopment at Terrace Lodge, the new resident home areas will be identified using the names of trees that are prominent to Elgin’s landscape. Upon receiving valuable feedback, through a survey conducted to the residents of Terrace Lodge and their families, Elgin County staff, and members of the public, the unanimous decision was to utilize the following names:
- Lower North – Birch
- Lower South – Pine
- Upper North – Maple
- Upper South – Chestnut
The Terrace Lodge Long-Term Care Home located in Malahide Township, Elgin County is undergoing a redevelopment that is scheduled to be completed in 2024. Terrace Lodge was originally built in 1977 and has been home to hundreds of Elgin County residents over the past 40 years. The redevelopment has been designed to better meet the complex needs of Long-Term Care residents now and into the future.
“Elgin County is well known for its vast Carolinian forest, and I am delighted to see that Elgin’s natural beauty will be honoured in the new resident home areas at Terrace Lodge,” said Warden Mary French. “A special thank you goes out to each and every individual that provided their invaluable feedback towards this renaming initiative. It is evident that Elgin’s picturesque landscapes are at the forefront of what makes our communities not only welcoming but instantly feel like home.”
For regular updates about Terrace Lodge Redevelopment construction visit