Terrace Lodge Redevelopment and Resident Move Update
Project Overview:
The Terrace Lodge redevelopment project is a three (3)-phase project which includes both renovations to the existing home and the construction of a new addition. Upon completion, the home will continue to offer one hundred (100) beds in four (4) resident home areas. The construction of the new two-storey addition in Phase 1 will significantly increase the size of our resident home areas. There will be more single resident rooms, larger bedrooms and more common areas, including dining rooms, lounge and recreation/program rooms in each resident home area. At the end of the project, all residents will enjoy either a single bedroom with an ensuite washroom, or a single bedroom with an ensuite washroom shared with one other resident. We know that you, as well as our volunteers, staff and visitors, will enjoy this additional space. The new building will include a second elevator and has been designed to enhance infection prevention and control and the safety and security of residents and staff.
Project Phases:
- Phase 1: This phase includes the construction of the new addition, a new receiving area and the initiation of central kitchen renovations. It is scheduled to be completed in October 2022.
- Phase 2: This phase consists of the renovation of the existing north Resident Home Areas (1st and 2nd floors), renovations to the basement and 1st floor core areas, and the continuation of the kitchen renovations. It is scheduled to be completed in June 2023.
- Phase 3: This final phase will include the renovation of the existing south Resident Home Areas (1st and 2nd floors) and ongoing renovations to the basement and1st floor core areas. This phase is scheduled for completion in the spring of 2024.
Resident Moves:
The phased construction requires us to relocate several residents at the end of each of the three construction phases. These moves will allow for the renovations of the existing resident home areas. We will be moving sixty (60) residents into the new addition in October 2022. Thus, in addition to the building construction, detailed planning is underway to prepare for these resident moves. We are also developing a full orientation program to orient staff and other service providers to the new building, new equipment and updated procedures. It is our intention to consult with our residents, families and Councils regarding the move process; and, we will work closely with residents/families as we prepare for the moves.
Questions and Answers:
1. When will the first group of residents move?
- Our first resident moves are scheduled to occur in October 2022, following completion of the Phase 1 construction
- These moves are temporary to allow for Phase 2 construction (approximately 9 months)
- The moves will take place over a 1 to 2-day period
2. Who will be moving?
- All twenty-five (25) residents residing on 1st floor North (memory care resident home area)
- All twenty-five (25) residents residing on 2nd floor North resident home area
- Three (3) residents from 1st floor South resident home area
- Seven (7) residents from 2nd floor South resident home area
It has not yet determined which residents from the south resident home areas will be moving. Resident moves on the 1st and 2nd floor South resident home areas are occurring because we will be able to utilize a portion of the new addition to temporarily increase the number of bedrooms and amenity spaces for the South home areas during the Phase 2 construction period.
3. Where will the residents move?
- All residents moving in October 2022 will be temporarily relocating to single rooms with ensuite washrooms, within the new addition.
- We will be contacting each resident/family to discuss room selection based on resident needs and preferences. Room selection will occur this summer.
4. Will residents still reside with the same group of residents?
- All residents will remain co-located with the same group of residents (with whom they currently reside) in their new home areas
- Memory care residents will be relocated to a newly created secure home area, which will occupy the majority of the 1st floor of the new addition
- 2nd floor North residents will move to rooms located on the 2nd floor of the new addition
- During Phase 2, all relocated residents will dine in temporary dining rooms located within their new home areas
5. How will the residents be moved?
- Extensive planning is underway to develop a detailed moving plan. This plan will be submitted to the Ministry of Long-Term Care for approval. We will consult staff, residents and families and provide you with regular updates
- Staff, families and volunteers will be involved in relocating residents and their belongings to their new rooms
- All residents will have a 1:1 support person with them on their move day
6. How can residents and families help prepare for the move?
- We will be asking all residents/families to do an early “Fall Clean-Out” to sort resident belongings and remove any items that are no longer required by the resident
- Families and residents are asked to consider if they can provide a 1:1 support person for move day. Otherwise, volunteers or staff will be provided. The support person will not be required to transfer the resident or his/her belongings. We will be contacting you regarding the 1:1 support persons this summer
- Please watch for regular updates
Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Fundraising Campaign:
- Please consider supporting and sharing information regarding the Terrace Lodge Redevelopment Project fundraising campaign “The Comforts of Home”. See https://www.elgincounty.ca/terracelodgefundraisingcampaign. We are so appreciative of our many donors, whose support is enabling us to enhance the home-like environment of our new home areas and courtyards.