Why is Elgin County Library considering eliminating fines?

    Overdue fines were once thought as the only way to ensure that library materials were returned. Recent studies and fine-free libraries have suggested that this is not the case anymore. Fines present a barrier to people in a community trying to use the library and often create a financial barrier to people who most need to use the library. 

    Other libraries in Ontario have already gone fine-free such as London Public Library, St. Thomas Public Library, Oxford County Library and Brant County Library to name a few. Visit the Fine Free Libraries Map to see all the libraries that are Fine Free in North America. 

    How would the Library encourage people to return overdue items?

    Library materials will still have due dates. And once materials are overdue by a certain amount of time they will be considered lost and the patron will be charged to replace the item. This is how our system currently works. There just wouldn't be overdue fines charged to the library account before the item was considered lost. 

    Libraries that have eliminated fines have reported that they receive the same number of items returned as they did when they had overdue fines. 

    I think of fines as a donation to the library. Would I still be able to donate to the library?

    Yes! Donations to the Library will still be accepted. All donations will go towards supporting important library services for our community.