Administration Building Elevator Upgrades

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Consultation has concluded

The County of Elgin has identified the need to upgrade its current original 1930’s vintage elevator systems at the Administration Building and address accessibility deficiencies on the main level, between the outer and center blocks of the building so as to maintain compliance with the Province’s Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act requirement and significantly improve barrier-free circulation on this level.

In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act introduced in 2005, municipalities are required to ensure compliance with all applicable provincial accessibility codes, legislation, and standards when redeveloping public facilities

The new elevators and front entrance accessibility upgrades will address a significant challenge associated with the original Administration Building design, and will allow barrier-free access to all floor levels of the building once completed. Compliance with all applicable provincial codes, legislation and standards, will achieve the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act’s mandate for an accessible Ontario by 2025. As the County’s Administration Building services all local municipal partners, building tenants, residents, tourists and visitors, the building upgrades will achieve the Act’s mandate.

The County of Elgin has identified the need to upgrade its current original 1930’s vintage elevator systems at the Administration Building and address accessibility deficiencies on the main level, between the outer and center blocks of the building so as to maintain compliance with the Province’s Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act requirement and significantly improve barrier-free circulation on this level.

In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act introduced in 2005, municipalities are required to ensure compliance with all applicable provincial accessibility codes, legislation, and standards when redeveloping public facilities

The new elevators and front entrance accessibility upgrades will address a significant challenge associated with the original Administration Building design, and will allow barrier-free access to all floor levels of the building once completed. Compliance with all applicable provincial codes, legislation and standards, will achieve the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act’s mandate for an accessible Ontario by 2025. As the County’s Administration Building services all local municipal partners, building tenants, residents, tourists and visitors, the building upgrades will achieve the Act’s mandate.

Consultation has concluded
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    supporting image

    The new north elevators at the Elgin County Administration Building are officially open to the public. Visitors to the building can now park in the front parking lot and enter through the newly accessible doors and directly into the elevators.

    The following legend will help visitors to the building navigate to their preferred destination on the first floor:

    1F (1 Front) - Access to the front parking lot
    1S (1 South) - Access to Reception & the Council Chambers
    1* - Access to Main Central Elgin Offices